The duel between Sá and Fernandes is growing in excitement

In a phase in which the positions held by the drivers have the tendency to stay more or less unchanged, the duel between Vítor Sá and Rui Jorge Fernandes for the triumph over the RC3 group, while the fight for the leadership between those driving front wheel driving cars is heated and full of emotion. Fernandes recovered a lot from his disadvantage, but Sá answered back in his first passage through Rosário. 9.3 seconds are currently separating these two competitors in a duel that promisses more excitement this afternoon. Pedro Almeida is still untouched in the leadership of the RC4 group, a group in which "atmospheric subdivision" André Silva is still ahead. Filipe Pires continues with a comfortable lead in the RC2N group, while Bruno Coelho is back again at the top of events in the Yaris NP Cup, a competition which holds, in each of the Rally Vinho da Madeira's Special Stages, a competition for itself. 

Miguel Nunes on top of a redefined podium

At the passage by Ponta do Pargo and Rosário, Miguel Nunes reinstated order by enlarging his lead in this Rally Vinho da Madeira, by winning both Special Stages. Pedro Paixão felt some difficulties with the engine of his Skoda Fabia R5 and lost a lot of time in Rosário.That allowed Alexandre Camacho to ascend to second place, now at almost 20 seconds behind the leader. Paixão manages, this way, to mantain a place at the podium, but is dependent of the performance of the drivers behind him. Bruno Magalhães, the best driver of the portuguese championship, is now back at being fourth, after having changed places with José María López, who overcame the Portuguese driver in the previous Special Stage. At sixth place, João Silva lost some time with a punctured tyre, but is still holding on to some leverage over José Pedro Fontes, who has been occupied with a tight duel with Armindo Araújo. Closing the top ten are still Ricardo Teodósio and Pedro Meireles. Gil Freitas keeps his eleventh position, the best amongst the RGT group, in a phase in which there are still four Special Stages missing, the second round of the Special Stages' routes of this morning. 

Rui J. Fernandes closer to Vítor Sá

One of the most exciting fights in this edition of the Rally Vinho da Madeira is the one being dueled between Vítor Sá and Rui Jorge Fernandes for the triumph in the RC3 group, as well as the lead amongst users of front wheel driving cars. Particularly in this second one, the Renault Clio R3T driver dived strongly into this Special Stage, and, in two Special Stages managed to recover 5.2 of the 12.3 that separated these competitors Saturday morning. On his turn, in the RGT group,Gil Freitas has revealed himself unable to shorten the distance separating him from Filipe Freitas, who has been the long standing leader in this category. André Silva is leader at the RC4 with atmospheric engines,evne though, in Câmara de Lobos, Adruzilo Lopes almost equaled the leader's marc in the standings.

The competition for the top positions heats up

The competition for the top positions in this Rally Vinho da Madeira has intensified this morning, at the first two Special Stages of Leg 2. Pedro Paixão won both Stages and managed to, not only get closer to the leader, Miguel Nunes, but also deepen the distance of his follower, Alexandre Camacho, positioned third. Bruno Magalhães keeps fourth place and is resisting to the atacks by José María López, who is still not satisfied with his car's behavior. In sixth place is João Silva, who has not managed to imprint a rhythm similar to those ahead, while José Pedro Fontes and Armindo Araújo keep a close fight over the seventh place in the general standings, which allows them to obtain a second place in the national rally championship. Ricardo Teodósio performed in a way that secures his holding in ninth place and, also, a larger distancing from Pedro Meireles, the driver closing the top ten. We still have Ponta do Pargo, foggy and with drizzle, and the always emblematic development at Rosário.


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