Only one competitor skipped verifications

Fifty nine were the competitors that were present at the checkup of the 61. st edition of the Rally Vinho da Madeira. Of those enrolled only one competing team, Pedro Nascimento/ Igor Velosa, number 62, did not show up at Praça CR7. Pedro...

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Verifications going on in Funchal

Initial technical and administrative verifications for the Rally Vinho da Madeira 2020 are currently taking place in Funchal. These are being hosted at Praça CR7 and the Northen pier of the Harbour of Funchal. The number of people who do not wish...

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Statistics and curiosities from the excellent entry list of enrolled participants

A Rally of Champions

Besides the four champions in title, Alexandre Camacho, the Madeiran champion, Luís M. Rego, the Azorean champion, Ricardo Teodósio, the Portuguese champion and...

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Tempo instável

The weather forecast for the next few days, predicted by the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA), is as follows:

Forecast for Friday, the 7. th of August 2020...

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RTP Madeira and Antena 3 Madeira schedule

RTP Madeira Schedule:

Friday, August the 7. th:

9 a.m. to 11.15 p.m. - At the Podium at Av. do Mar, Live from the Golf Court Special Stage 12. 45 a.m. to 1.45 p.m. - Live from the Santana Special Stage 3. 25 p.m. to 4.30 p.m...

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1.502 people take the Rally on to the roads

More than 1.500 people are involved in the organization and construction of the Rally Vinho da Madeira. From the elements of the Organizing Committee, who began the conception and planning of the event, to the Road...

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