Rain should be absent from Rali Vinho da Madeira

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Rain should be absent from Rali Vinho da Madeira

The IPMA (Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere) weather forecasts do not include rain for the days of the 65th edition of Rali Vinho da Madeira. Only on Saturday is there the possibility of light showers on the northern slopes, which could affect the climb between Rosário and Encumeada. However, the cloudiness may bring some fog to the higher areas.

Thursday 1st August

Periods of very cloudy skies, becoming less cloudy in the afternoon.

Weak to moderate wind (10 to 30 km/h) from the north/northeast, sometimes blowing strong (up to 40 km/h) in the highlands from the afternoon onwards.

Small rise in the minimum temperature in the highlands.

Friday 2nd August

Periods of very cloudy skies.

Weak to moderate wind (10 to 30 km/h) from the north/north-east, sometimes blowing strong (up to 40 km/h) in the highlands and extreme east and west of Madeira Island.

Saturday 3rd August

Periods of very cloudy skies.

Chance of light showers on the northern slopes.

Weak to moderate wind (10 to 30 km/h) from the north/northeast, sometimes blowing strong (up to 40 km/h) in the mountains and extreme east and west of Madeira until late afternoon.