Joachim Wagemans is a RVM fan

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Joachim Wagemans is a RVM fan


At 10’clock this morning, the Belgium pilot, Joachim Wagemans whose car caught spectators’ attention last year because of its decoration with publicity by a famous fast-food chain, came to pick up his material and documents.

The 23-year-old pilot who was at Madeira for the first time in 2017 to join the Rally admitted being thrilled by coming back since his memories of last year race are excellent.

“Last year we did well, we enjoyed it very much, in fact, it was my best rally ever, everything went smooth, organization and all the atmosphere were nice” he commented, adding that in 2017 he was able to keep up the rhythm although he suffered an accident. “We spend the whole night working in the car, so we could finish the race, and it was such a fantastic week, that is why we are back, this time with a R5 vehicle”, he stressed, explaining that this race is “a new experience and a big change for us”.

In relation to Madeira Island he confessed that “I liked the people very much and how they support the rally and I even have friends that usually come here for holidays year after year”.

“I wish all the best to Madeira Island and to all the participants in this Rally, have fun and make it a good racing” he added.


dsc08032.jpgJoachim Wagemans foi o primeiro piloto a chegar este sábado ao tecnopolo para levantar o material para a prova