Rally Madeira Legend promotes the image of Madeira

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Rally Madeira Legend promotes the image of Madeira

The Protocol of Development and Cooperation in the context of Tourist Entertainment, between the Club Sports da Madeira and the Autonomous Region of Madeira was signed today. The financial compensation of 180.000€ will support the Rally Madeira Legend Organization Committee, a motorsports event that has, as its main goal, the promotion of Madeira Island. 
Rally Madeira legend is on the roads on the 28th, 29th and 30th October, with 50 km in Special Stages, with the highlight for the Special Stages that will race on Friday night, between Palheiro Ferreiro and Terreiro da Luta.
As for Saturday, and after the “Tour around the Island”, a special stage is scheduled, although its accomplishment will depend on the evolution of the pandemic situation in the Region.
According to José Paulo Fontes, President of the Organizing Committee, this competition aims to relive the emotions of the “Tour around the Island”. 
Eduardo Jesus, the Regional Secretary of the Tourism and Culture, has highlighted the importance of events such as Madeira Legend, which adds the Region in the International events’ calendar, having an outstanding promotion of Madeira Island.