Signing of a cooperation protocol with the Municipality of Funchal
The Municipality of Funchal and the organizing committee of Rally Vinho Madeira signed, this morning, a cooperation protocol through which the Municipality concedes a direct subvention of 27.500€, as well as logistic support in the manner of both materials and personnel.
Rally Vinho Madeira is the second Stage of the FIA calendar and, therefore, all attention will given to the competition as a way to greatly intensify the projection of both the Region of Madeira and the City of Funchal, as well as, the Rally itself. Given this, the Organizing Committee's central focus is to assure that the Rally is successful when it comes to security, organization, as well as, in terms of public health.
José Paulo Fontes, president of the Organizing Committee, and Miguel Gouveia, mayor of the Municipality of Funchal, stand united in appealing to the sense of responsibility of spectators and the public at large. According to Miguel Gouveia: "we will have to continue being an example of good behavior and common trust. It is in our hands the capacity to offer a sense of trust to the outside".