84 entries for Rali Vinho da Madeira

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84 entries for Rali Vinho da Madeira

84 competitors have already formalised their registration for the next edition of Rali Vinho da Madeira, which will be on the road between 3rd and 5th August. The entry list, to be revealed on 26th July, should include 8 foreign drivers and 76 Portuguese, divided into 23 continental, 52 Madeiran and 1 Azorean. The competition will be lively because that list will bring together names such as Kris Meeke, Giandomenico Basso, Simone Campedelli, Diego Ruiloba, José Pedro Fontes, Ricardo Teodósio, Miguel Correia, Ricardo Teodósio, Armindo Araújo or the Madeirans Bernardo Sousa, Alexandre Camacho and Miguel Nunes, among others.

The quality of the vehicles present on the island is also a guarantee as 22 teams are registered in Rally2, also known as R5, in models such as the Skoda Fabia RS Rally2, which makes its debut in the archipelago, Ford Fiesta Rally2, Citroën C3 Rally2, Skoda Fabia Rally2 Evo or VW Polo Rally2. There will be 5 RGTs at the start, 4 Porsche 991 GT3s and the Alpine 110 RGT that Gil Freitas will debut on Madeiran soil. The emotion will be transversal to the entire list of entries and the 24 competitors with Rally4 vehicles, Peugeot 208, Renault Clio and Ford Fiesta will contribute to it.

The Club Sports da Madeira organisation is part of the FIA European Rally Trophy, a competition that was remodelled this year and now includes only 19 events, the Portuguese Rally Championship and the Madeira Coral Rally Championship. In addition to these, the event directed by Pedro Melvill Araújo is also part of the Peugeot Iberian Rally Cup, a mono-brand competition disputed with Peugeot 208 Rally4 and which brings 11 teams to Madeira. The number of entries, higher than the maximum of 75, may lead to some logistical changes in the event.