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How is CPR doing?

The Rali Vinho da Madeira is the sixth race of 2022 in the Portuguese Rally Championship. The season opened with the Fafe, Felgueiras, Cabreira and Boticas Rally in March, a race won by Armindo Araújo. Still in the same month, the caravan headed to the Azores Rallye and in São Miguel the best was Ricardo Moura in his only participation this year so far. In mid-April, the championship returned to the north of the country for the Terras d'Aboboreira, race in which Miguel Correia made his first triumph in this competition.
About a month later, the Vodafone Rally of Portugal took place, event also included in the WRC, in which the maximum score went to Ricardo Teodósio. In this race the gravel phase of the championship ended. In tarmac, at the beginning of June, the competition headed to Castelo Branco and the winner was again Armindo Araújo, the first to win again this year. Also very constant in the points, it is normal that Araújo leads the table with a good advantage to Miguel Correia.
The third position is occupied by José Pedro Fontes, who scored points in every event, followed by Bruno Magalhães, who was on the podium three times but had to drop out in the most important race of the year, and Ricardo Teodósio, who had two withdrawals. After the Rali Vinho da Madeira, the Água Rally on September 2nd and 3rd and the CAMG Rally in Marinha Grande on October 7th and 8th are still to come.
CPR: 1st Armindo Araújo, 121; 2nd Miguel Correia, 97; 3rd José Pedro Fontes, 77; 4th Bruno Magalhães, 71; 5th Ricardo Teodósio, 38; 6th Pedro Almeida, 33; 7th Ricardo Moura, 28; 8th Pedro Meireles, 28; 9th Paulo Neto, 22; 10th Paulo Caldeira, 16; 11th Lucas Simões, 15; 12th Gil Antunes, 15; 13th Daniel Nunes, 14; 14th Ernesto Cunha, 13; 15th Paulo Meireles, 10. 16 drivers are classified.