Message from the Mayor of Funchal to the 2023 Edition of the RVM


Message from the Mayor of Funchal to the 2023 Edition of the RVM

The 64th edition of Rali Vinho da Madeira has everything to be another great success, which is the trademark image of such an important and historic event in European motorsports. 
Rali Vinho da Madeira is, therefore and unquestionably, an event of international nature, as it is a very important vehicle to promote the Autonomous Region of Madeira, including Madeira, in terms of tourism, with a tremendous economic impact, particularly at a municipal and local level, as can be seen by the dynamics involving the municipalities where the rally takes place.
The importance of Rali Vinho da Madeira in the official calendar of events of the Autonomous Region of Madeira is also confirmed by the receptivity and friendliness with which it is welcomed by practically the entire population.  Being so, locals and visitors follow the rally from start to finish, filling our mountains and roads during the days of the race, in an unparalleled festive and colourful atmosphere, as it is a perfect example of the way locals cherish the event.
I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the competence and professionalism of the organisation of the Rali Vinho da Madeira, which is doing everything it can to set an international example, with the support of not only the Regional Government, but also the Municipalities, including the Funchal City Council.
In this edition, I am sure that Madeira, once again, will show its excellent organizational capabilities, as well as all its potential and infrastructural qualities, which make us a region with all the conditions to receive and organise major events, as is unequivocally Rali Vinho da Madeira.
I would also like to address a few words to our locals, who are extraordinarily passionate about remembering the importance of civic and safety so that, together, we can make this edition of the Rali Vinho da Madeira another great success.
I am also grateful for all the support from the Regional Government and the various municipalities, not forgetting that the success of this motorsport in our archipelago depends on this strong public support and the businesspersons, because it is this way, bringing together all these necessary contributions that we maintain a very competitive fleet of cars.
Finally, to all the teams, but also to all those who participate and collaborate so that our Rali Vinho da Madeira is always a success, I wish you an excellent rally, and my heartfelt thanks to all of you, who give the best of yourselves to this motorsport.

Pedro Miguel Amaro de Bettencourt Calado

Mayor of Funchal and of the Association of Municipalities of the Autonomous Region of Madeira
Autonomous Region of Madeira