Diego Ruiloba always at the front of Rali Vinho da Madeira

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Diego Ruiloba always at the front of Rali Vinho da Madeira

Rali Vinho da Madeira is one section away from the end, but emotions are still running high in the event that has been on the road since last Thursday, 1st August. At the top of the standings is Diego Ruiloba at the wheel of a Citroën C3 Rally2. However, the Spaniard lost his lead during the morning and has a 3.6-second advantage over Alexandre Camacho, the author of a constantly evolving race with the Toyota GR Yaris Rally2.

Armindo Araújo remains on the bottom step of the podium, but the Skoda Fabia RS Rally2 driver has been below the pace he's shown so far and is joined by José Pedro Fontes, who won a stage with the Citroën C3 Rallly2 and is 4.1 seconds behind the leader of the Portuguese Rally Championship. Miguel Nunes, driving his usual Skoda Fabia Rally2 Evo, is fifth. Rali Vinho da Madeira finishes this afternoon with the prize-giving ceremony at 6.30pm, after another round through Câmara de Lobos, Ponta do Sol, Calheta and Rosário.