Diego Ruiloba at Rali Vinho da Madeira 2024

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Diego Ruiloba at Rali Vinho da Madeira 2024

After winning last weekend's 57th Rallye Ricalvi Rías Baixas, a qualifying event for the Spanish Super-Championship of Rallies (S-CER), Diego Ruiloba confirms his presence in the 2024 edition of Rali Vinho da Madeira, navigated by his co-driver Angel Vela at the wheel of the competitive Citroen C3, prepared by Sports & You. The young Spanish talent, Diego Ruiloba, is also taking part in our event and promises to fight for victory in the 2024 Rali vinho da Madeira.Diego Ruiloba joins Kris Meeke, Simone Campedelli, Armindo Araújo, José Pedro Fontes, Ricardo Teodósio and the always competitive and fast Madeiran driver.Miguel Nunes, João Silva and Miguel Caires, who will be fighting for the top spots in our race and who promise great spectacle and lots of competition on the tarmac of our roads.