Interest in the Rally with great impact on Media and Social Networks

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Interest in the Rally with great impact on Media and Social Networks

Avenida Arriaga was the setting chosen for the press conference held this afternoon and which sat at the table José Paulo Fontes, President of the Organizing Committee of RVM, Eduardo Jesus, Regional Secretary of Tourism, and Culture and Dorita Mendonça, Tourist Promotion Director.
For the speakers, one idea is unanimous: "The Rali Vinho da Madeira is an international event which combines sports competitions and tourism promotion resulting in the dynamization of the regional market". 
In the reports of last year's edition, the AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) of the RVM exceeded 5.5 million euros. This range results from the bet that has been made on the communication of the rally. José Paulo Fontes is convinced that this year this value will be greatly exceeded, "we will have more broadcast with RTP International, national television channels and national and international sports channels ... everything will be done so that the return on the support of the Regional Government is largely compensated.
This year, the livestreaming transmissions are a strong bet of the organization both through the website and the social networks of the race, a way to take the atmosphere of the RVM to the international communities, ensuring the great international projection of the rally. 
The President of the Organizing Committee believes that the wide dissemination of RVM in the media will be important because "when the International Automobile Federation thinks or rethinks in the future about international rallies, the name of Madeira and the Rali Vinho da Madeira will be on the table, because of the atmosphere that we live, the way we welcome and live the rally, an inter-generational event".
José Paulo Fontes took the opportunity to once again apologize, as he puts it "we are going to cause inconvenience to those who make their lives in the centre of Funchal, but it is for a good cause it is for Madeira, for the promotion of Madeira and for the environment that is being lived and which the Madeirans can’t live without". 
The Regional Secretary for Tourism and Culture, Eduardo Jesus stressed the importance of the RVM being a rally of regional, national and international reference, "the VAE is the product of the notoriety created by the Rali vinho da Madeira, which allows us to quickly draw a conclusion: the investment in this event is multiplied by ten only in terms of the notoriety of the event itself. 
The Secretary added that "we are sure that the RVM's multiplier effect is much greater than this value of EAV and therefore, I would like to point out that only a special event can achieve this multiplier effect. We need events that have this capacity to mark Madeira's presence abroad". Madeira is a destination that has a lot to offer.

Official Website of the Event: 
More than 9600 users, in the last week.
70% of users are national, the remaining are international  
368 news articles published
+700,000 in media 

Social Networks
+ 500.000 people reached so far

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