Recommendations of the Regional Health Department for watching the Rally

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Recommendations of the Regional Health Department for watching the Rally

- Respect the instructions given by the organization and the safety officers. Stay in a safe place. Have fun, but prevent accidents.
- Remember that you don't need alcoholic drinks to have fun. If you consume any alcoholic drink, do so in moderation and do not drive.
- Wear a hat, sun glasses (UVA and UVB protection) and apply sunscreen (= or >30). Protect yourself from the sun! Have fun, but avoid sunburn.
- If you are going to the mountains, wear suitable footwear.
- Drink water throughout the day, even when you are not thirsty. Have fun, but avoid dehydration.
- Clean your hands frequently. If you don't have soap and water, use an alcohol-based disinfectant. Keep them clean!
- Transport food and/or meals safely using cooler bags or suitcases with ice cube trays. Avoid using sauces such as mayonnaise and cream.
- If you make fire, use only the appropriate places.
- Keep children under constant surveillance.