A symbiosis between several entities

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A symbiosis between several entities

The RVM Organization had, this morning, a meeting with different entities involved in the preparation of the RVM 2022, to present the work done by each one of them and their role in the success of the rally, a "coordinated and cooperated work so that the rally can flow". Pedro Araújo, Clerck of the Course, said on the occasion that "without the collaboration of these entities, the rally could not hit the roads".
Police Department
The Police Department was represented by Luís Teixeira Vieira, who stated that "at this moment, PSP has everything lined up and in perfect harmony with the institutions present here", highlighting the "strong connection" between the police and the organization. There have been preparatory meetings and road reconnaissance to articulate all the work. Around 800 police officers are involved in this operation.
Funchal City Hall
Bruno Pereira, Councillor for traffic, civil protection and fire department, was present from Funchal City Hall. The Rali Vinho da Madeira is "the biggest street event in the City of Funchal", which is why safety demands are high. It was necessary to proceed to restrictions and changes in terms of traffic. Bruno Pereira also asked for the collaboration of the population in complying with these rules. This year, with the more central location of the Parc Fermé, in Largo do Município, the City Hall had an added role with the logistics of installation of the space, which is already happening. The return of the Special Stage in the Funchal Ecological Park, was also a subject addressed by the Councillor, "we will raise awareness of safety and environmental issues".
Civil Protection Services
Marco Lobato, Vice-President of the Civil Protection Services, highlighted the "longstanding partnership with the organization of the RVM". The Civil Protection Services have a key role in the rescue of participants, the public and professionals on site and a prevention system and firefighting. A total of 45 vehicles and 106 operational resources are mobilized, as well as a team from EMIR that is permanently on duty. Marco Lobato said that Civil Protection wants to "contribute to another successful event. Betting on the harmony and symbiosis of the various entities and the efficient articulation of all means".
Forest and Nature Conservation Institute
The IFCN was represented by its President, Manuel Filipe, who explained the role of the Institute in this partnership, on the one hand "environmental sustainability, as the rally has as its chosen location the mountains and forest spaces and protected areas, which means that we have many people enjoying these places". The message must be passed on, although there is less rubbish every year, it is never too much to remember the importance of putting it in the right containers. On the other hand, there is "a great concern with forest fires".
This is the year with the largest number of campers, 3500 people, in 1500 tents, in the 20 areas available for this purpose, which are practically full.
The IFCN has deployed 60 elements of inspection teams, 10 cars from the Forestry Police force, besides the staff that collaborates in several ways.
Manuel Filipe highlighted on the occasion what he considers to be a good example of sustainability "using reusable wood instead of other materials to mark areas". The responsible reminds us that "these are small steps to help raise the RVM to the highest level".
