Pedro Calado - "the organization once again did an excellent job"

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Pedro Calado - "the organization once again did an excellent job"

Pedro Calado, Director of the Federação Portuguesa de Automobilismo e Karting (FPAK) in Madeira, praised, in turn, the work of the Organization which, "once again did an excellent job". "The Federation recognizes all the excellent work that has been performed in support of Motorsport.  It is an event of reference at the national level and the international level, proof of which, and a surprise to all, being the presence of a world-class driver in Madeira", he stressed.

The co-driver also addressed Eduardo Jesus, in order to ask the Regional Government for an increased awareness of the importance this sport has on the economic activity of Madeira. "It may be, and we all know it, the sport which moves and takes people to the roads," he pleaded.