artur quintal

Artur Quintal OUT do RVM

artur.jpgFoto Facebook Artur Quintal

After the incident yesterday during SS1 Avenida do Mar - CINM, the duo Artur Quintal/Ricardo Abreu are out of RVM 

The co-driver, after being checked at the hospital, he was cleared to leave.  Irrespective of the outcome of the team in this edition of RVM, Artur Quintal made a point of sharing this information on his personal FaceBook Page.

Artur Quintal looses control of the vehicle on SS1 Avenida do Mar - CINM


Arthur Quintal/Ricardo Abreu lost control on SS1 Avenida do Mar - CINM. The driver is well, but the co-driver was attended at the scene by EMS, and transported to the Hospital, as a precaution.

The race has  resumed after being halted for safety reasons.

The swift intervention of the safety measures in effect by the RVM Organization to resolve this incident was praised.


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